This Range Of How To Remove Dark Spots On The Face Naturally

By practicing how to remove dark spots on the face of this naturally, say goodbye to blemishes, stains, and flecks that uninvited on your face.

Globe Medicine - Dark or whether skin color is determined by the number of color (pigment) substance called melanin in the skin. If too much melanin in the body, the skin color will bedarker. However, according to dermatologist, there are times when the production of melanin into more to make skin color became more dark to protect the skin due to a variety of damage. For example exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays of the Sun andexcessive inflammation. Acne scars, hormonal changes, or are taking certain drugs can also make the skin become darker.

Skin discoloration may be most easily seen from the face. If there are stains, spots, or black spots on the face, it could have been caused by one of the causes above. Black spots on the face indeed not desired by everyone, especially women. Various ways ever done to disguise it, like using makeup. But you don't have to worry about, the black spots on the face can be resolved easily and safely. Here's how to remove dark spots on the face naturally.


To remove dark spots on the face, you can make a mask honey and lemon. How, mix the juice of half a grain of water lemon with two teaspoons of honey. Apply this mixture to the black spots on the face. Let stand for 30 minutes, then rinse until clean.You can also apply lemon juice directly to black spots on the face without any mixed. Let stand for 10 minutes before rinsed and do each three times in a week.

Aloe Vera

How to remove dark spots on the face of the other is to use Aloe Vera. How, patahnya a little Aloe Vera, Aloe Vera flesh squeeze and apply directly to black spots on the face.


Thinly sliced fruit and papaya paste on the dark spots on the face for 20-30 minutes.To get the best results, repeat this treatment twice a day. Papaya fruit also can be destroyed until smooth before is applied to the face and neck. Leave for about 30 minutes, then rinse until clean.

Apple vinegar

Apply vinegar to the dark spots on the face with a cotton ball and leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing, as one way of eliminating black spots on the face.


Cut a clove of garlic and rub it into the black spots on the face. Or, you can also fine-tune the garlic and rub it into the skin. Let the "juice" the garlic for 30 minutes to an hour, then rinsed clean.


How to remove dark spots on the face of the latter is to use a mixture of potatoes and honey. You simply memarut medium-size potatoes into a bowl and add honey to taste. Apply the mixture to the black spots on your face. Leave it on for about 15 minutes, rinse with cold water.

Rather than practicing how to remove dark spots on the face, it's good if the patches thus prevented from appearing completely. Therefore, it is advisable to always wear sunscreen (sunscreen) each day, a hat, and avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

Make sure to try the how to remove dark spots on the face if you want to try a variety of natural methods above. Oh yeah, note also the form of existing dark spots on your face. If the size is enlarged, it is not symmetrical, uneven color, and feels itching or even bleeding, immediate consultations to physicians dermatologist. Because itis the signs of melanoma or skin cancer.

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