This is the Red Okra Benefits For Our Body Health
Curious about the benefits of red okra? Plants that began to tune it was rich in protein which is believed to give you a variety of benefits. Not only that, okra also have a variety of vitamins and minerals that can keep you interested in taking them.
GlobeMedicine - Okra is quite famous for the content of vitamin C and K are quite high, there are 23 mg of Vitamin C and approximately 31 mcg of vitamin K in 100 grams of okra. While the fiber content in 100 grams of okra are also not less in height, which is about 3 grams.
Here are some benefits of red okra by most vitamins and minerals in it.
- Okra fiber is one of the plants which contain fiber that is high enough. Fibers contained in the okra is soluble fiber. This type of fiber similar to the fiber contained in oatmeal. With the content of soluble fiber, okra believed to prevent constipation and can lower cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, the fiber contained in the okra is also believed good for diabetics because they can increase the hormones associated with increased insulin controls blood sugar better.
- Magnesium Thanks to its content rich in magnesium, okra become one of the foods that can stimulate sexual desire or an aphrodisiac. Because the magnesium content helps the body become more relaxed naturally. In addition to magnesium, okra also contain vitamin B, folate, zinc, and iron that maintain the health of your sex organs.
- Vitamin C Benefits Other red okra comes from the amount of vitamin C contained in it. In the 100 grams of okra contains vitamin C at least about 23 mg. Vitamin C is believed to boost the immune system.
- Protein In addition to nuts, meat, fish, and eggs, it turns red okra are also included in the trust can be beneficial to your body. The benefits of the protein itself is to create new cells in the body, as well as the repair of damaged body cells.
Enjoy the Benefits of Red Okra with How It
Although beneficial to health, some people still feel reluctant to eat okra because quite slimy texture. Well, to solve it, the following is okra curry recipe that you can try.
Materials needed:
- 300 grams of okra
- 350 grams of white meat fish
- 1 tablespoon coriander seeds
- 1 tablespoon cumin seeds
- Dried chili to taste
- 1 suction turmeric powder
- 6 pieces of cloves
- ¼ suction dried chili powder
- 1 onion chopped
- 1 fennel fruit
- 3 cloves garlic
- 1 cinnamon
- 275 ml coconut milk
- 118 ml water
How to make,
- Puree cloves, cumin seeds, coriander seeds, chilli powder, chilli and turmeric.
- Put the spice paste to the hot pan, stirring occasionally subtle flavor. When it was fragrant, put the garlic, oil, and onions and do not forget to turn down the flame. Once the onions have started soft, pour water and stir to form a paste.
- After that, the input cinnamon sticks, anise and coconut milk over low heat. Do not forget to give salt to taste.
- Cut off the head and the tip of okra, okra and cut into two.
- As for the fish, you can discard the bones, then cut cubes.
- Put okra and fish to the pan, attach the lid on the pan, and cook until the fish was overcooked and curried okra ready to be served.
Do not waste benefits to your health red okra, okra input into your daily menu with a variety of prescription preparations such as okra okra curry spice on top.
Enjoy the benefits of red okra!
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