Sign Wind Solutions For Diabetes Sufferers

Sign wind can be experienced by everyone, including diabetics, against wind diabetics must be careful in choosing the content of a drug without increasing blood sugar levels.

GlobeMedicine - The term cold does not actually exist in the medical literature. This term is used in Indonesia to describe a collection of common symptoms are often experienced as bloating, fatigue, nausea, fever until fever. The condition can be caused by many things that are generally handled solely by consuming herbal medicines.

Here are some ingredients that are generally contained in herbal medicines to deal with colds.

  1. Zingiberis or ginger rhizome, plays with a disorder in the stomach, such as pain, nausea, flatulence and diarrhea. In addition, this herbaceous plants can also handle diseases caused by bacterial and viral infections.
  2. Fennel, savory scented herbs which when dried can be used as a flavoring dishes. While fennel seeds and oil are used as drugs to treat intestinal gases, flatulence, heartburn, coughing, bronchitis, up to colic in infants.
  3. Mint leaf, the plant used to treat digestive disorders, such as vomiting, abdominal bloating, heartburn, diarrhea, loss of appetite, headache, fever, cough, flu, sore throat up. Mint works against infections, prevent the formation of gas in the intestine, as well as stimulate the flow of bile.

Unfortunately, colds can be a separate issue for people with diabetes. When ill, blood sugar levels will tend to increase due to increased levels of hormones that try to fight the infection. This condition makes the body work becomes heavier to use insulin properly.
Therefore, against wind, people with diabetes need to choose a drug that is not high sugar content. It can be found by reading the label carefully. One sweetener content is not dangerous for people with diabetes is royal jelly.

Closer with Royal Jelly

The benefits of honey, especially raw honey, has been recognized by the public at large. But not so with the benefits of royal jelly. Royal jelly is a special food prepared for a group of worker bees and bee larvae that will become queen bees. Special food is necessary so that the queen bee can lay eggs, live longer, stronger, and bigger. The food is called royal jelly.

Royal jelly is rich in nutrients because it is made from sugars, fatty acids, water, protein, vitamins, salts, and amino acids, with a different composition in every climate and region. Therefore, royal jelly brings many benefits claimed.

Royal jelly is also touted to have benefits for diabetics. A study in 2016 found that people with type 2 diabetes who consume royal jelly 1,000 milligrams three times a day can lower blood glucose levels significantly. Other studies also reveal that royal jelly can increase sensitivity to insulin and antioxidant levels in people with diabetes, especially for people aged 25-65 years. In addition, this material also acts to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and cholesterol levels.

In addition to diabetes, royal jelly also claimed to help deal with some conditions such as:

  • Wound healing and fight infection by accelerating the replacement of damaged skin cells that are needed with diabetes. 
  • Royal jelly can be an elixir against pramenstrual syndrome (PMS). 
  • Royal jelly contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial ingredient that can boost the immune system.
In addition, royal jelly also claimed to help deal with pancreatitis, insomnia, liver disorders, asthma, premenstrual syndrome, kidney disease, stomach ulcers, symptoms of menopause, bone fracture, and high cholesterol, and boost immunity. However, claims of benefits for human health is largely still requires further research.

However, unlike other materials that contain risks, the consumption of royal jelly also deserve special supervision, ie someone who is pregnant or breastfeeding, children under one year of age because of risk of botulism, a person allergic to bee or asthma, someone who is taking blood thinners, as well as with estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer.

Therefore, people with diabetes may be able to make products that contain these ingredients added to the royal jelly to treat the symptoms of colds. However, despite relatively natural materials, keep the royal jelly according to the instructions of use and better preceded consultation with a doctor or pharmacist.

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