This Is The Secret Of Why The Benefits Of Superior Black Honey

GlobeMedicine - Ever noticed the color of honey? It turns out the colour of honey varies from light to darker or black. Makin darken, then the more effective as antibacterial and antioxidant-rich more. That's why a lot of people who think black honey benefits better than ordinary honey.

Black honey benefits might be even better than honey-colored light considering this type of honey contains a higher phenolic components. Due to the higher content of phenols, antioxidant capacity then in this type of honey is automatically higher.

Of the following compounds is the key

As mentioned above, one of the factors that makes the benefits of superior black honey is the fenolat compounds. The compound fenolat is one of the groups most important compounds in plants and its kind is very diverse. So far, based on their chemical structure alone there are thousands of different types.

According to research, the goodness of fenolat compound indicated on some profitable activities, such as:

  1. Anticancer
  2. Anti-inflammatory
  3. Antiaterogenik (an inhibitor of arterial constriction)

In addition, these compounds also reportedly has antitrombotik activity, that activity is an inhibitor of platelet aggregation (merging) are widely used by patients who are at high risk of acute coronary attack.
Other black honey benefits that might be obtained thanks to the presence of the compound fenolat is capable of strengthening the immune system. Other benefits that may be present is analgesic. The main effects of analgesics is eliminating the pain. Another important role of fenolat compounds in honey black is as an antioxidant which inhibits the activity of free radicals in the body.

  • Fenolat AcidFenolat acid is a common substance found in plant foods. This led to the man's always unconsciously consuming it every day. No honey, there are still vegetables, fruits, grains, tea, coffee, even the spices which also contains fenolat acid. In the human body, these compounds act as natural antioxidants.

    In addition to natural antioxidants, these compounds also have other biological activities. These activities include preventing the formation of leukotrienes. Leukotrienes itself a substance triggers the onset of asthma, allergic reactions, and related diseases the immune system setting. Other potential of fenolat acid is the nature of the initial cancer formation antitumor against colon. Recent research shows that fenolat acid has the potential to control inflammation, cleavage and differentiation of cell types. Another one, fenolat acid may also act as an antivirus.
  • FlavonoidsBlack honey benefits for health can be attributed to flavonoids. Research on the compound has a lot to do. The studies proved that the flavonoids have antioxidant activity as, hunt down free radicals in the body, preventing coronary heart disease, and anticancer. In addition, these compounds are potentially as a means for the treatment of HIV. Up to now, the research related flavonoids as antiviral is HIV still ongoing.

See the benefits of black honey as described above, then try it as the daily diet can do to supplement your intake of nutrients for family members at home. It's just that, always look at the daily rate of label printed on the packaging of the black honey in order to optimize its benefits.

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