Ruptured Blood Vessels in the Brain, Know the Causes and Treatment

Ruptured blood vessels in the brain is a condition that can be fatal. Not only damaging the brain, this condition can also endanger lives. Therefore, it is important to know the cause of rupture of brain blood vessels so that they can be treated immediately. 

Blood vessels function as channels to drain blood containing oxygen and nutrients to all cells, tissues, and organs. Because of its important role, it is very dangerous when blood vessels do not function or even burst.

Rupture of blood vessels can occur in various parts of the body and one of them is the brain. If a blood vessel ruptures in the brain, this condition can trigger a brain hemorrhage. This bleeding can be fatal because it results in swelling of the brain and death of brain cells.  

Risk Factors and Causes of Ruptured Blood Vessels in the Brain 

Ruptured blood vessels in the brain can affect anyone of any age, from newborns to the elderly. There are several conditions that can trigger rupture of blood vessels in the brain, namely:

1. High blood pressure 

High blood pressure or hypertension experienced for years can cause the walls of blood vessels in the brain to become fragile. If not treated immediately, hypertension can be the main cause of brain hemorrhage.  

2. Unhealthy lifestyle 

Smoking habits, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, and the use of illegal drugs such as marijuana and cocaine, can result in disruption of brain function. Not only disrupting brain function, harmful compounds contained in cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, and drugs can also trigger blood vessels to burst in the brain. 

 3. Head injury 

ead injuries are one of the most common causes of ruptured blood vessels in the brain in people under the age of 50. Head injuries can result from falls or traffic accidents. 

 4. Aneurysm 

Aneurysm is a condition when there is enlargement of blood vessels due to weakening of blood vessel walls. If it is severe, this condition can cause blood vessels to rupture in the brain and make a lot of blood enter the brain, causing a stroke. The cause of weakening of blood vessel walls is caused by several factors, such as high blood pressure, unhealthy lifestyle, and abnormalities in the formation of brain blood vessels.  

5. Amyloid angiopathy 

Amyloid angiopathy can also cause blood vessels to rupture in the brain. This condition is caused by abnormalities in the walls of blood vessels due to the buildup of amyloid beta protein. Amyloid angiopathy is often experienced by the elderly and people with dementia or Alzheimer's disease. 

6. Vascular abnormalities

Conditions that can cause blood vessels to rupture in the brain next are abnormalities in blood vessels. This disorder can be in the form of weak blood vessels around the brain or blood vessels too large. This disorder can be suffered from birth although it is rare.

7. Liver disorders

In severe liver disease, disruptions in the production of blood clotting factors can occur. This can increase the risk of internal bleeding in various parts of the body, including the brain, and cause blood vessels to rupture in the brain. 

8. Blood disorders

Blood disorders or blood clotting disorders, such as hemophilia and sickle cell anemia, can have an impact on reducing blood platelet levels and blood clots. If not treated immediately, over time this condition can also cause blood vessels to rupture in the brain.

In addition to some of the causes above, there are also other risk factors that can increase the possibility of ruptured blood vessels in the brain, namely the presence of brain tumors and side effects of blood-thinning drugs.
Symptoms of Ruptured Blood Vessels in the Brain

Symptoms of rupture of ruptured blood vessels in the brain can vary in each sufferer. Even so, there are some symptoms that generally occur if a person experiences a ruptured blood vessel in the brain. The following are some of the symptoms:

  • Severe headache that comes suddenly
  • Tingling or paralysis in the face, arms, or legs suddenly
  • Visual impairment, either in one eye or both
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Difficulty controlling body coordination and loss of balance
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of consciousness, lethargy, drowsiness, and unawareness of the surrounding circumstances
  • Difficulty writing, speaking, reading, or understanding things
  • Frequent confusion

Treatment of Ruptured Blood Vessels in the Brain

Patients with ruptured blood vessels in the brain need immediate treatment from a doctor. This is because rupture of blood vessels in the brain can not only damage the brain, but also endanger lives.

To ensure and provide treatment of ruptured blood vessels in the brain, the doctor will perform a physical examination and supporting examinations, such as blood tests, MRI, CT scans, and angiography.

After the examination, the doctor will provide some treatment to overcome broken blood vessels in the brain. The following are some of the treatments given by doctors:


The doctor will give drugs to relieve symptoms and prevent more serious complications due to ruptured blood vessels in the brain. The types of drugs given can be:

  • Antihypertensive drugs, serve to lower blood pressure. Types of antihypertensive drugs that can be given are calcium antagonists, ACE inhibitors, ARBs (angiotensin II receptor blockers), and diuretics.
  • Anti-pain drugs, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen, can be an initial anti-pain choice to relieve complaints of headaches experienced by people with broken blood vessels in the brain.
  • Antiseizure drugs, to relieve spasms due to ruptured blood vessels. Antiseizure drugs given can be carbamazepine, valproate, levetiracetam, and phenytoin.

Shunt mounting operation

Ruptured blood vessels in the brain can cause bleeding in the brain. When it occurs, this condition can trigger a buildup of fluid that can increase pressure in the brain, even causing damage in brain tissue known as hydrocephalus.

Well, one way to deal with hydrocephalus is to install a special hose (shunt) inside the head. The goal is to remove and drain brain fluid into the abdominal cavity so that it is easily absorbed into the bloodstream.


In addition to the installation of shunts, bleeding and swelling in the brain due to ruptured blood vessels can also be overcome by performing craniotomy surgery.

Through this surgery, the doctor will make an incision in the patient's scalp and perforate the skull with a special drilling tool to repair or remove the ruptured brain blood vessels.

Ruptured blood vessels in the brain can be prevented if you know what risk factors you have and take treatment early. To prevent the occurrence of medical conditions or diseases that can trigger ruptured blood vessels in the brain, it is advisable to stop bad habits, such as quitting smoking or consuming excessive alcoholic beverages.

In addition, applying a healthy lifestyle is also important, namely by consuming balanced nutritious foods and exercising regularly for at least 30 minutes every day.

For those of you who suffer from heart disease or high blood pressure, treating both will minimize the risk of ruptured blood vessels in the brain. For diabetics, maintaining normal blood sugar levels can also reduce the risk of this condition.

Ruptured blood vessels in the brain is a medical emergency condition that needs immediate treatment in the hospital. Therefore, if you suspect symptoms of ruptured blood vessels in the brain, immediately consult a doctor to undergo an examination and get the appropriate treatment.

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