The Function Of The Male Reproductive Organs And Hormones Took

Globe Medicine - In contrast to women, men's reproductive organs mostly located outside the body. In order for the male reproductive organs can function normally, then required the production of certain hormones.

The reproductive organs of men possessed since birth, yet the new reproduction capabilities will begin after puberty. Puberty begins at an age range of 9-15 years.

The Purpose Of Fertilization
The function of the male reproductive organs i.e. produce semen and sperm in it, then insert sperm into the female reproductive organs for the process of fertilization.
The man had several reproductive organs i.e. penis, scrotum and testicles. However,in addition there is also the internal organs, among others, epididymis, prostate gland, seminal vesicles, bulbouretral glands, urethra, vas deferens and.

By the time the men or boys who have passed through puberty sexually aroused, then his body will engender reactions. Originally, there was a change in penis size due to blood vessels become larger so that the blood that goes into a lot more. The increase in the penis accompanied by changes in texture becomes more rigid, this is called the condition of the erection.

After the man's erection, and then will be followed by ejaculation, then it will make the penis secretes semen along with sperm in it. At the time of ejaculation, urine channel automatically closed.

Every time a man ejaculate, so she can pull out cum 2.5 to 5 ml. Each ml contains over 20 million sperm. After the sperm enters the vagina, then the sperm will continue to move towards the neck of the uterus until the egg to achieve the process of conception and pregnancy happen eventually.

Hormone Production
The entire reproductive system in men depend on hormones, namely chemical substances that regulate the activity of the cells and organs in the body.
When a boy enters puberty, then the body will produce more of the hormone gonadotropin produced by the hypothalamus in the brain.

The following further clarification regarding hormones in male reproductive organs:

Fengshen (follicle-stimulating hormone)

This hormone is very important so that male reproductive organs can produce sperm. Daily production of the sperm produced can reach 300 million, with the creation of each sperm around 65-75 days.

Luteinizing hormones (luteinizing hormone)

When luteinizing hormone that entered the bloodstream will stimulate the production and release of testosterone as the main hormone in men.

The hormone testosterone

The production of the hormone testosterone at puberty triggers numerous physical changes. As enlargement of the testicles and scrotum, penis which increasingly stretched, the sound of an increasingly heavy, as well as the growth of the hair around the face, genitals and armpits. Most teenage boys also experience adding weight and height was significant after entering puberty. Testosterone will also affect bone mass and sexual arousal.

An adequate understanding of male reproductive organs can be started from the time the kids to teens, this is intended to prevent inappropriate sex behavior.

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