Solutions For People With Disorders Of Digestive Enzymes Is Here

Digestive enzymes plays an important role in the processing of food and absorption of nutrients in the body. However, in a situation when there is a disruption in the body's digestive system, requires the enzyme drug to help the process of absorption of nutrients from food.

Food consumed human beings need to be broken down into smaller substances so that more can be absorbed by the body. This is why it is necessary the presence of digestive enzymes. Naturally, proponents of digestive enzymes is already available in the body, i.e. in the mouth, stomach, and small intestine.

Specifically, it is present on the cells in the walls of the stomach, saliva resulting salivary glands, pancreatic fluid produced pancreatic cells, as well as gastrointestinal fluid or liquid on the large and small intestine.

Digestive enzyme itself basically consists of several types, among others:
  • Lipase: breaks down fats into glycerol and three molecules of fatty acids.
  • Peptidase and protease: breaks down protein into amino acids and peptides are smaller.
  • Amylase: breaks down carbohydrates from sugar and flour into a simpler form, i.e. glucose.
  • Nuklease: split nucleic acids into nucleotides.
The Risk Of Diseases Caused By Digestive Disorders
Given the large role, the absence or lack of production of digestive enzymes at risk lead to disease. Below are a few examples.

Metabolic disorders

People who suffered from a metabolic disease are descendants in general have abnormalities of the genes that cause the body's enzyme deficiency, one of these digestive enzymes. In most cases, the body is experiencing a shortage of the enzyme in the production of one of the supporters. As a result, the process of digestion and metabolism is not running normally. Two possible conditions can occur. Substances that are toxic to the body accumulate the essential substance for the body could not be established because not enough or the lack of certain enzymes.

Gaucher Disease

Marked by the inability of the body in breaking down fats so buildup on the organof the liver, bone marrow, and spleen. Even though it can be treated with hormone replacement therapy, this condition can cause damage to the bone, pain or even death.

Chronic pancreatic disorder

The pancreas produces digestive enzymes that help break down food into small molecules that can be absorbed by the body. But chronic disorders of the pancreas causing this process cannot walk normally. According to a statement of a physician internal medicine, a person with deficiency of pancreatic exocrine experiencing conditions which abnormalities of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins can be broken down so as not to cause the symptoms of diarrhea, and weight loss. Person with the possibility to experience also faced malagizi terhambatnya due to the absorption of nutrients.

In addition to the above diseases, there is still another condition caused by the presence of disorders of digestive enzymes which are also harmful to health, such as pancreatic cancer, cystic fibrosis, and postoperative recovery of pancreatic disorders.

Treat with drugs only if the Recommended Doctors
To help the process of digestion in people with certain disorders, available drugs digestive enzymes that help the body digest food. These medications can be used when the pancreas does not produce or manufacture digestive enzymes to process food. There are different types of digestive enzyme products for different purposes, among others:
  • Enzyme replacement therapy
  • Supplements
  • Indigestion medicines.
To avoid the risk, patients should mengonsultasikan health condition following medication that will be consumed prior to the doctors because most of these digestive enzymes supplement products can contain hazardous materials that are addictive. The doctor will decide the dose depends on the type and condition of health, diet, andthe response of the patient against treatment taken. Patients also need to pay attention to the following matters.
  • The drug in tablet form should be swallowed with water and do not dikulum in the mouth as it can cause irritation on the cheeks and gums.
  • Do not inhale the powder drug because it can cause asthma attacks or irritation onthe inside of the nose.
  • Avoid replacing the dose or stop taking any medication without first mengonsultasikannya to the doctor.
Make sure the remedy digestive enzymes that have been registered will be consumed at the Fda. Another important thing to keep in mind, this medication may not work optimally if not supported the renewal of diet and lifestyle.

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