Tips To Take Care Of The Vagina After Childbirth

If giving birth normally, then you can find some changes after you undergo vaginalbirth. The vaginal area you may be able to feel pain, numbness, swollen, dry, or it looks wider than usual. When the vagina you tear and should be stitched, the pain may be felt more severely.

Globe Medicine - Here are a few things that you can do to cope with the inconvenience of the vaginaafter childbirth:

Vaginal pain. Shortly after birth, the vaginamu can hurt or pain. This can be accompanied by swelling and numbness. To overcome the discomfort, you can wrap the icewith a cloth, and then paste it into the vaginal area for 10 to 20 minutes.

This condition can usually be improved in one and a half to three months after childbirth.

Dry vagina. The drop in hormone levels of estrogen post pregnant can reduce the production of fluid lubrication and make vaginamu feels dry. Simply applied could bedown again if you are breastfeeding. This condition can make sex activity be disrupted or even painful.

To overcome vaginal dryness, you can do the following:
  • Drinking plenty of water can make your body hydrated.
  • Increase the time of foreplay before sex.
  • If after foreplay vaginamu still not wet enough, you can wear the product water-based lubrication fluids.
  • Try several positions and the techniques of making love.
  • Maybe you could try wearing moisturized for the vagina.
The vaginal opening is wide. His widening the vaginal opening caused by stretching of the muscles of the pelvic floor resulting from the process of giving birth. Although the vagina you may not return to normal as before giving birth, this problem can be overcome by doing pelvic floor for gymnastics, or commonly called kegel exercises. Gymnastics can help tighten the muscles of the vagina and pelvis as well as making you a better intimate relationships.

How to perform kegel exercises just like when you're trying to hold your pee. In the early workouts, toning and sags do muscles quickly. After it's done slowly, but don't do the tightening more than 10 seconds. Repeat as much as 10 times each setnya. Kegel exercises can be done as much as 4 to 6 sets daily.

Kegel gymnastics is very easy to put into practice and can be done anywhere like while watching TV, reading books, or waiting in line at the cashier.

The stitching on the vaginal area or episiotomy.
If you are experiencing this, so always keep your stitches clean and dry in order to reduce the risk of infection of the vaginal area. The way that you can do include:
  1. Taking a bath at least once a day can help keep jahitanmu clean.
  2. Replace pads regularly and don't forget to wash your hands before and after replacing them.
  3. Let the stitches are exposed to the air. Here's how you can open up the panties and then lying in bed for 10 minutes so that your stitches dry fast. Don't forget to put cloth or towel in the bottom of the buttocks to keep fabric sheets clean.
  4. Use panties, pants, or skirts made from cotton and loose-fitting so that jahitanmu could be exposed to the air. This could keep it dry. Remember, the more dry the stitches, the process of healing can also be faster.
To address the pain at wound sutures, how you can do the following:
  • Cold compress areas of the seam for 30 minutes. If you want to mengompresnya back, wait up to 60 seconds.
  • Wherever you go, always carry a bottle of warm water mixed antiseptic that is prescribed by the doctor. So, when you want to go to the toilet, you can do the final flushing with liquid.
  • Soak the vaginal area with warm water mixed with an antiseptic can also do. Afterwards, dry the area with a clean soft towel.
  • If you feel pain when sitting, you can place a soft pillow under your ass. Sitting with positions wide open thighs. 
  • When defecating, do not straining too strong. In order that the stool is easily excreted when bowel movements, it is advisable to reproduce fibrous food consumption. 
  • Doing kegel exercises regularly. This exercise can improve blood flow to the area of the seam and speed up the healing process.
  • Anti pain medication such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. However, if you're breastfeeding, consult the doctor first before consumption.
If you feel vaginamu area failed to improve or thus increasing pain or visible signs of infection, immediately consult a doctor.

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